The Life of a KoLala Bear

By KoLalaBear

Little Wee Birdy

This is quite a sad little story actually, so you may not want to read this...

I had discovered a little wee birdy that had fallen out of its nest as i was hanging up the wash because Nettie was lying on the ground watching something.
I went to go pick it up and Nettie thought it was her little treasure and picked it up in her mouth and ran off, so i chased her and finially got it, and lukily it was unharmed, i put it back into the nest and thought it was going to be all fine.
I checked on it later and thats when i got this blip, i was origionally going to blip the nest and tell the story but then i discovered the little wee bird was sitting on the branch near by. I thought it was just learning to fly...
It was only later that i discovered this little wee bird lying on the lounge floor as Nettie had got to it again =[ So I Burried it outside in a nice resting place...
=[ poor little birdy

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