Forbidden Fruit...

...certainly 'Forgotten Pleasures'! This is the first shot in about 115 blips that has been taken with my big camera and it really was a pleasure to use it again, and appreciate its functions and possibilities! So thanks to Chaiselongue for the question yesterday that led to its return!

The lay off was due to some security concerns about using the big camera casually on the streets of Rio, but mainly the cumbersome workflow compared to the iPhone flow with its app and possibility to upload directly from the machine at any wifi spot, often within a few minutes of capture. Clearly, there are pros and cons re which machine is more appropriate for any given image along with the editing suites available, but the iPhone has served well during these busier times.

It took me a long time to re-learn the workflow, filing system and editing software in order to use the big camera; it's just amazing how so much escapes my mind even after prolonged daily use up until July! Clearly, a case of use it or you'll lose it!

Anyway, hope you enjoy this shot of a goiaba, taken at our local market this morning- it's very rich in vitamin C, normally used in desserts or jams (juices too), and can substitute tomotoes in certain sauces, particularly those sweet and sour in nature! And, no, not very forbidden after all!

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