Mince n tatties

Mmm, yum! Kerrsdaddy is away out this evening and has missed his dinner, although I suspect he may heat some up when he gets in later :-)

Kerr and I have had a good day. It started with a hospital appointment I had to attend this morning. I had no babysitter so had to take Kerr with me. Typical NHS, I was taken one hour after my appointment time, grr. In the time we had waited Kerr had demolished a bag of Skips and a bag of chocolate buttons, had a horrendous dirty nappy, stuck his fingers in the vending machine several times and nearly tripped over some pensioners. Stressed.com!

We had a more relaxed and fun afternoon. We took Fudge for a walk, then went to Kerr's friend C's house for a play date. All was going well and the toddlers were playing great together until C's mum showed us her robot vacuum cleaner. It zooms around the floor on it's own, picking up dust etc. Kerr was totally freaked out by it and screamed / cried until it was put away. He then kept thinking it was coming to get him and wanted to go home. Oh dear.

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