A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Giant Cupcake

Today I........erm........well, just slept!!
Got home about 7:20am, got the boys ready, got breakfast & David offered to run them to school for me & with it being freezing & me so tired, I accepted! The boys then read me stories & I was so dozy when Grandad got back from walking the dogs to get the boys!

I woke up to find Dan in the room (thinking he'd popped home for lunch!) he then told me it was 5:15pm!!! Oops!

Dan & I had a romantic fish supper!! Hehe! Before being joined by everyone for the cutting of the giant cupcake & Christmas songs!
I wish we had a camera running when Dhylan sang his "Honey bear" song!!! Let's just say we cried laughing!

Dhylan has also found his first wobbly tooth!!
He's like me with his teeth & brushes loads!

Today is also the anniversary of Lennon being rushed into hospital! Not the nicest thing to look back on, but he's come so far since that! His walking & talking are amazing considering what it was last year! You can't even tell he was ill, which is lovely!

Let's hope it stays that way x

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