Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


Today, we went shopping! This was lunch: ciabatta with vinegar and olive oil, then pizza. I spent loads of money, and it was good! It was the first time in almost three months that I've been, so it wasn't that extravagant. Jeans, leggings, 2xtights, t-shirt, cardigan, and lots of underwear. I finally spent some of my M&S voucher that I got for my birthday, and have tasty dinner planned for tonight.

Yesterday we had a group presentation, which actually went ok. To celebrate, last night Duncan and I watched lots of tv. It was fun! My laptop had an incident, whereby it was dropped on the floor by accident. The power key has detached itself, and now I can't turn my laptop off or else I won't be able to turn it on again!

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