Allons-y! fiber arts

By Bethanne

Red Clover Blossom Tea

The first filling replacement was yesterday. Next time you need to go to the dentist, think to ask for the safety data sheet on the filling and bonding material he/she is using. The dentist I HAD claimed the materials were inert. They were not. They contained a toxin that I have reacted to deeply and painfully. Yesterday the last tooth that was filled before I broke out in what Western Medicine refers to as burning mouth syndrome was fixed. The old toxic fillings in it were removed and something called Diamond Crown filling and bonding materials were used instead.

One down quite a few more to go but I will say that I actually do feel much better after that was done. I still have a sore throat and my ears are still ringing but I was able to go to bed without having to take an antihistamine just to lie down. Yes - I have been working herbally and with acupuncture and now have the most amazing dream dentist EVER!

One thing about these bad fillings is they seem to be causing an acid situation in my mouth - outgassing toxins. My job is to work on neutralizing that acidity at all times especially while trading out old fillings for new so no more damage is done to my teeth. I do believe that they are a root cause (pun always intended) of my having so much dental damage - they steamrolled or domino effect if you will into more and more trouble.

Safety data sheets - remember that. It can save your health to know anything that is going into your body.

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