take to the skies...

...and fly away


-to safety

-out of the reach of little children...

who were running after them - hoping to play and being left unhappy when they constantly flapped their wings... and took to the air... their moms trying to explain that the running would only make them fly away - and birds typically didn't play with children. but being about 4 years old... they didn't understand. it was precious to see - yet frustrating for the birds... that i believe are morning doves...

pretty with their black, purple and tinge of green... making dramatic streaks across the cloud filled sky. due to the speed with which they were moving, this isn't the sharpest shot - but i decided i rather liked it that way after all - it somehow adds to the overall effect and i've left it alone... no big editing other than some cropping and a bit of deepening the purple.

it's a wonderful thing to be able to look at a photo and be okay with how it's come straight out of the camera... be comfortable with it... and then know it's truly made for...


happy day.....

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