Experiments 5 - A ghostly forest

Using the manual setting of my camera, I overexposed this picture a little bit and then I turned it into negative. Played a bit with the colour as well. This is the result. I liked the ghostly effect.

I was off work today, which gave me an extra day to recover from my cold/flu. I spent most of the day indoors, but I had to leave the flat just for a few minutes, because being indoors for too long just drives me crazy and the weather was nice and sunny outside. I didn't go far though. I just went to Pilrig park, which is only a couple of minutes from where I live. But, as the wind was a bit chilly, I didn't stay long.

So, yeah, beechams, hot toddies, resting and being at my computer for most of the day because I was bored. I've managed as well to do some work on my long forgotten book, so it's getting there!

Although my nose is still blocked, I'm feeling a bit better today, so I'm planning to go to work tomorrow.

Thanks very much for your comments on my water universe experiment! I hope you all had a nice day! :)

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