Money! Money! Money!!

This week I've had to put my money where my mouth is, and where my nose is!

I went to a gig on Friday night, which was excellent, the pub was very crowded, but with only three girls dancing I had the following conversation:

Adrian: "Shame more people aren't dancing."
Me - boosted by wine - "I bet I can get everyone up and dancing."
"You're on."
"In fact, it's Children in Need this evening." I said.
"OK a hundred pounds to Children in Need if you get every single person in the pub dancing."

As we shook hands I thought. 'Crikey, I usually only donate twenty quid.'
I waited a while then spoke to the singer - the super Steve Carroll - a rather gorgeous, and talented, Irish man, and bless him he just said over the mike:

"There's a big bet on here, all you've got to do is stand up and dance to this next number and £100 will go to Children in Need. "

Of course, everyone danced!

But, boosted by additional wine and this song which Steve dedicated to me, apparently because my eyes shone like diamonds, I agreed to match the bet.
So that's £200 to C in N - Brilliant.

Today Jean Paul with stunning green eyes came to check my electrics. (My house I suppose to be accurate.)
This bundle of dosh was on the windowsill.

"If you're going to leave the room, please take the money with you." He said.

"He he he, it's not money it's tissues. Blow your nose on that!"

Sadly, he was not amused!!

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