The journey continues...

By Lbell

Milanesa :)

There was a thunderstorm today :( but I made the most of it by getting some work done inside. I only left the apartment for a trip to the supermarket which turned out to be better than expected as I saw my first glimpse of Christmas..a shop full of decorations, trees and other christmassy things. I was tempted to take a photo but I think the crowds of people around would have thought I was slightly strange.
Tonight I cooked my first Milanesa, at 10.30pm to be precise! They eat it everywhere over here. To be honest it's pretty much just schnitzel. I feel like I'm becoming very accustomed to the Argentine culture.
Alexia also got back from Iguazu tonight and hearing her describe the trip to the waterfalls as something out of a movie has got me so excited for going there at Christmas! 3 weeks tomorrow til the family arrive :)

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