A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

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This is the boys new library!

Dan got these from the School Book Fayre & the boys are loving reading through them all, every night....they really do take after their Dad!!

Had a busy morning sorting out our wardrobe for places to put the boys Christmas presents! All our gifts are now wrapped & ready (just need name tags!)

We've started a new way to school, which passes the stream & all the ducks, guess we've got to start saving bits of bread now then!

The boys are also on to Moshi Monsters Series 2 as the others are so last season!! Kids!!

The boys have got superb new PJ's for Christmas, it's so exciting!!

The boys keep checking how many days are left, but they are more like the John Lewis Advert kid than the awful 'want want want' kids on this advert!! I hate this ad!

Our boys Christmas list consist of:

A goat for the children in Africa
Chickens for the children in Africa
A Moshi Monster Tree
A Moshi Monster Series 2 box

I love our babies x


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