Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Stop all the clocks...

If you are going to read this, I urge you to listen to this while reading. Thank you.
Last Thursday, all the clocks stopped for most of the people I cherish and love.
Last Thursday, The Granny died. Suddenly, unexpectedly.
Last Thursday, too many good people were deafened by the sound of their own hearts breaking.

It was impossible, we thought. Simply.Not.Possible.
She would never leave us like this, no way, not without a party first, a bit of a shindig, a dance, the last waltz, at the very least....

But she did, so we made up for it, but more about that later....

Ann Lee was a singular woman, a typical Irish Mammy, and my second Mammy.
She loved her family and Jesus, but if it came to a fight about it, I suspect Jesus would end up weeping.
She had a remarkable ability, (to quote her redoubtable daughter Mary), to make each and every person feel special, to feel that they and they alone were her favourite.
She was Grand Dame and best friend to all her 19 grandchildren, who love her with a ferocity bordering on the dangerous side of mental.
Herself and my daughter, The Princess, had a bond so strong as to defy description. I am sick at the thought of her loss, and I'm heartsore.
She raised a family of strong and confident sons and daughters, men and women who are both a credit to her, and a natural extension of her innate philosophy- "work hard, play hard, love hard."
She loved a glass of brandy, and singing, and dancing. She was buried in her dancing shoes, and rumour has it,with a bottle of Hennessy to keep her going.
She loved her garden, but preferred others, (such as myself), to do the actual gardening for her.
Her day revolved around her husband, Billy,The Grandad. Breakfast, dinner, tea, and more recently, medications. Billy is bereft, naturally, but his remarkable family will look after him, of that there is no doubt.

But back to the party....
There is a history of music in the family, which sometimes, for some odd reason, skips a generation. Well, whaddya know, all our kids got it, and got it in spades. I have never, ever in my life heard applause at a funeral, so this was a first. One of the new breed, Cappy, is in a band called Touchwood, and he and some more of the kids sang at the funeral. They sang this. Jesus H Christ on a bike.
Last night we had what I regret what will probably be the last bash in the Grannys house. We told stories, played music, laughed, sang songs, and cried.

Then we fucking did it all again, but with feeling.

Ann Lee, Mammy, Granny, Best Friend- we miss you, and always will.

Ni fheicimid a leithead aris........

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