By ANDY597

snakes and ladders

Sunday as it should be.

Got up about ten and lazed about over some nice bacon rolls. We had intended to do something with the kids today but Ruby isnt feeling very well so Connie doesnt want to go anywhere.

Holly decides that she would like to go geocaching again and so we jump in the car and head to the first site where we find some difficulty in finding our first buried treasure.

Number two follows shortly but its really number three that was interesting. We get to the site and Holly gets me to climb up the twenty foot ladder to the top of the railway signal to fetch it.

So while im climbing the ladder, she is left with the camera and of course my Iphone that she was using to track the item. When Im three quarters of the way up, she asks me what she should do if I fall, well thats re-assuring darling daugther, so I tell her to phone 999. I am paranoid that she has already dialied two of the 9's when I find the cache. I have to climb down and get a stick from her to poke it the final way as I cant get my fingers in there to get it.

She actually climbs the first few rungs for the purpose of a photograph with the bounty in her teeth, however its really me that has to make it to the top and forage for the hidden canister. Typical woman making you do all the hard work and then posing for the glory.

We find a little trackable pirate trinket that we take home with us and decide that we are going to hide somewhere sneaky for someone else to find.

After getting home, we head out to meet Eric and Kaye for some lunch and we go to the Ye Olde Inn in Davidsons Mains where they are staying with Dad (Dads in Portugal by the way). The only problem being that the last time that I stepped foot in this pub was about eighteen years ago and I was barred.

Its a bit of a strange experience as I havent been back in there since.

A story by Holly - age 9

Today we went geocaching. The first box was in a tree coverd in leaves i took a sticky hand and left the dog.On the way to the next one we saw a bench it wasnt a normal bench it was a small unusual bench. We found the next box in rocks under a tree i took a bouncy ball and left frankistein. The last one was up a signal post and daddy had to climb up to get it hehhehehe.There was a little plastic box with a pirates chain i took it and I left daddys work band.Today was very fun!

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