Pharmacist Daze

By beerdadtwy

Books, Who needs 'em?

Well, I do, actually!

The bookshelves I built have had to come down so's a nice man can lay us a new floor in the dining room. The displaced tomes are piled in the corner of the living room like a memorial to lost time.

Whey keep them when they've been read? Well, you never know when you might fancy a particular tale again, that's why they are called 'classics'. And besides, I haven't read them all, they are a shared collection from the house.

I have debated whether I should get with the times and just read using Kindle or iPad or some-such, but, somehow it's not the same. The feel of the paper, the smell and with old books the remembrance of where they have been before. All those Dan Browns and Matthew Rileys devoured on sunny summer holidays with the boys. We used to share books then and fight for first read of a new one.

The new floor will go down. The shelves will be rebuilt. The books will be re-alphabeticised and returned to their rightful place.

I might get a kindle,They do seem very convenient for travelling, but I will never be without real books.

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