jez' pics

By snappinjez

Something for this week.

This is one of the pieces for this week. Usually when this piece is heard it's a later version. Stravinsky was, I believe, notorious for rearranging his music so that he could get paid for all the new additions, revisions and versions of the same thing, (he had a lot of money worries).
I think all of the above is approximately right.
Anyway this piece is generally ok for me, but in this earlier version, it's a bit of a nightmare. Thanks Igor!
At least it's good music unlike another piece for next week which is a double whammy of awfulness. Very hard and totally crap. Meaning you're having to put in a lot of time, practise and effort to produce utter bilge, thank Pete (Tchaikovsky)!

You know there's a gag which goes; "How do you get a musician to moan?"
Answer: "Give him a gig"

It's so true! There's nothing we like more than a good old moan about, the music, the conductor, each other, how little we're getting paid, how far we've had to travel, how late we'll get home, how there's nowhere to have tea...
On and on, it's bloody brilliant!
(I do actually love my job and think I'm the luckiest, jammiest bastard to get paid at all for doing something I really love doing).

This stream of consciousness was bought you by,
Apart from that last bit. I did mean that... :)

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