Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Play Misty for Me

Dank, cold and misty this morning so of course we decided to go for a walk.

I almost didn't go. I've had that nasty cold and hacking cough thing which seems to have been doing the rounds. "Me too," I hear you cry...hoarsely. Yup, seems to have got just about everyone round here. I blame Noah, or Typhoid Mary, as I like to call him. He sails serenely, if somewhat snottily, through life, distributing germs freely here and there, mainly here!

Anyway, my sado-masochistic streak kicked in and I decided I'd brave it. Ten minutes and about 100 yards later I was beginning to regret it. Noah won't travel by pushchair and refuses the rucksack carrier. In addition he stops to inspect every blade of grass, water droplet and leaf en route. So we plod along, being overtaken by little old ladies and the odd snail. On balmy summer days and even mild autumn ones I find this little habit of his endearing, but today, with cold seeping into every fibre of my being, the urge to pick him up, tuck him under my arm and march round the lake at warp speed was overwhelming.

But we made it back and I have the heating on and a lamb casserole bubbling away in my slow cooker so all is right with the world again.

Not a great day for photos but misty milkiness and reflections kind of go together quite well.

Happy Sunday all

Edit: Forgot to say that H thoroughly enjoyed his recorder residential. He made new friends, performed in the concert and had a great time. He's already planning his next trip away :-) He was shattered when he came home. No sleep, too many sweets and way too much excitement. Just what a good trip away should be really!

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