a w a y

By PoWWow

P a i n t, then p l u n g e, then p i n t

J'adore days like these : hours of furious painting in the park, listening to excellent t r a x in my ears to insist on endless motivation. Welcomed home after a serious hammering of hours trying to get the Bird Feeding boards finished to home made curry with two of my favourite boyZ : slurping + inhaling food like locusts we chatted + imagined wide-eyed about a future of living on our own land. The hours were still on my side + I managed to sneak a much needed p l u n g e into the perfectly still depths of an increasingly emptying Aquatics Centre : p o w e r e d on by those Chickpeas that just keep on giving, I schlossed as many laps as I could until the clock struck ten + I'd outstayed my welcome.

But the thought behind todays captured moment, was getting a snap of my pal Danny. Pedaled as fast as I could from the pool to go give him a high-five on his special day, and share a pint of beamingly cold Weisse Beer. Happy Birthday, old pal, old chum.

And the Autumnal sun shone a l l d a y l o n g : days don't get much better.

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