Knockers Journal

By Knockernorris

Any One for Surfing..................

This is an old friends van with the surf boards on it and under it , i took a photo of this van a long time ago put it into mono and put it into our competition and did not get any where but then i put the same image into our photographic exhibition and it was accepted , i did not win any thing but out of 900 prints judged only 250 were accepted and this was one and it`s an honour to get into the exhibition .

Thank you for your comments on yesterday`s blip , in Lymington sadly i only took 18 photos today as i was shopping with the good lady wife and aunt and unc however i did take a photo in the grave yard of a brick coffin , from the car park you have to walk through the grave yard to the high street and done this a lot of times but never seen the brick coffin and other odd looking graves before today but the van won the blip of the day, for me that is. Thanks to Terry for letting me take the old van again and hope you blipster`s are still have a fun photo weekend ~ John !

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