With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Motive Loco

I just got the last light on the mountain by the torrent.

I am in such a good mood today.
I went for dinner last night and had such a splendid time that I really needed. Not too late back, I curled up in bed and awoke to the sound of heavy rain and a small boy curled up next to me, somehow so comfortably I slept like a baby. It was also great knowing I didn't have to get up early, and there were some Hugh FW savoury muffins for breakfast to fuel the goalkeeper.

The trip to the match was very jolly, with much singing going on and it mattered little that we were well and truly trounced by the big boys of Palma (some of them towered over our lads, being that one year older and as 2nd in the league with two games in hand, there was little chance). It was a bit like a penalty shoot out for Ben the whole game and he did manage some terrific saves. Not one moan from any of them. Champion.

We had to shoot over to Ben's friend's house for a birthday party, only the little lad had given everyone the wrong day, so they stayed to play anyway. I had a quick chat in the square, with talk of organs (of the musical kind!) and then got Agu to his next party. I found my friend Vivien with another amazing hairdo. I must blip her soon. She was buzzing with cooking and shopping, positively glowing with fun, but I had to leave them to it. Ben has his homework to get done, so we can relax a bit tonight before another day of childrens' parties. It seems Ben is off to Palma on the train.

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