In a Marcie Minute

By INaMarcieMinute

The Parade

Went to Happy Hour Girls Night Out to the Christmas City of the North Parade with my 4 y.o. niece Lizzy as planned. Here's how it really went down...

Beautiful first snowfall before the parade
37 degrees and calm
Rock star parking (1/2 block away... and FREE)
Perfectly comfortable (long johns, hand/toe warmers, Smartwool)
Unusually well behaved 4 y.o.
Avoided traffic jam
Hot cocoa tea party at home
4 y.o. asleep within 30 min (cheated out of her talking my ear off*)

The evening went so contrary to my Marcie Minute style
But behind the scene I've well made up for it in domestic disarray. On second thought... I did miss the DHS band, due to getting "trained" in Proctor. I live on the wrong side of the tracks.

I decided I really don't have a lens for parade conditions... at least for handheld shots. The 85mm was limiting, but all I have for low light. More parade here.

* I strangely missed it

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