
By Regine

Minor Detail

I'm not a morning person. There, I've said it :) But I get up very early almost every day for work, something I complain about (to myself) every morning ;)
But this morning I was allowed to sleep in because there were no trains between Breda and Tilburg in the morning and I arranged at work that I could start at 12 :)

It was great! The sun was already up when I left my house, it wasn't busy in the train and I wasn't troubled by my usual morning "shut the **** up and leave me alone"-attitude ;)

At Nijmegen train station I spotted this little detail on the wall of the station when I was walking to my bike. There were more of these, all with different things on it. Also a pigeon, a fish and some other things that I couldn't determine what it was ;) I liked the colours.

Something fun happened at work yesterday, by the way! I was kindly forced asked to take pictures of the exterior of the building I work in for my company's website... Appearantly people have noticed I take the camera with me to work :) it was fun to do, but also a little scary... I don't want an ugly picture I might took on the company's website! But they turned out pretty nice, which is quite something considering it is a very ugly building ;)

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