This image was the one which leapt out at me today.
I like the bokeh-ry kind of orbs and the teeny little spectrum-y prism.
I'm in a spacey frame of mind (a walkabout* situation perhaps?).
I suspect there are actual fairies in this toadstool image.
But, of course, they're too shy to show themselves properly.
*I'm referring to the Aboriginal definition of walkabout here, rather than the kind of (more usual in our house) 'have you seen the potato-peeler, it's gone walkabout again' usage.
(Note to self: A two potato peeler kitchen is necessity rather than luxury. Where do they hide? When you had them in your hand a mere nano-second ago? Is there another dimension just alongside ours which is populated with only kitchen utensils. And keys, obviously?)
On a more practical and down to earth note, the red wine forecast is looking quite positive, but not until somewhat later in the evening.
A concert must be attended first. Which should be enjoyable :-)
Happy Friday one and all!
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