
By tookie

Home on Route

Not the kind of day I was going out to blip so I shot this out the bus window again---actually right across from where I took one on a good day of the water and fall color. This older home is that of an ex-state senator ---I used to drive his son long ago and recently drove his grandchildren a few times. I can remember when he was in the state senate and I strongly opposed some legislation he supported. I went down to the state capitol and met with him at a round table and we went head to head over the issue. Also I spoke with him at our school board meetings a few times. Altho I never saw eye to eye with him concerning some issues quite damaging for classified school employees, at least I felt he was not a crazy and we could respectfully disagree. Today that isn't always the case. Anyhow I see him out jogging once in awhile and he now looks like such an "old man". I stopped him one day, yelled out to him to come over to my bus window---I reminded him who I was and that I now drove his grand kids occasionally and how I appreciated that we could talk so respectfully back then ....then we shook hands. Kind of a funny story:)

ps...the legislation he had supported was repealed:)

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