Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Terrible teapots.

So, this is the remainder of my disasterous ebaying. Laid out with embarassment to shame me into thinking twice before bidding!

They may not look too bad here, placed rather nicely around my roses but, believe me, they are pretty horrifying up close! I really don't know what possessed me. And theres so many of them! Arrrgh.

They have all been relisted and fingers firmly crossed some other sucker wants them. If not a few folk will be getting an unexpected christmas present.....

Not completely disasterous however as I did get 2 teapots that I love and am definitely keeping (will no doubt blip at some later date) but I must endeavour not to bid on 10 different things in the hope that I might get 1.
Yep, not a good plan when you get them all!

ps. why the sudden compulsion for teapots? who knows! I am prone to certain obsessions however...

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