
By joe_cool

Nightmare Day 2

Continuing from yesterday...

At 4pm, I left by car to drive to Québec City with the intention of continuing to Montréal the following day to attend an important meeting. I would also be joining my Valentine for a one day late celebration.

They were announcing a storm, a big one, the same one that left 4 meters of snow in the sate of New York. Everyone was telling me that it was not a good idea, especially my mother. I left anyway. It is normally a 6-7 hours drive.

Roads were a bit slippery, after a couple of hours, it started to snow, lightly. Of course, it kept getting worse and worse. At about 1 hour from my destination, the road was blocked. I managed to make to a small motel by the highway. It was 10:30pm when I got there... exhausted!

I went to bed with a wake up call set for 5am, with the intention to drive to Montréal, another 4 hours. My meeting was at 10.

This morning I woke up and all roads were blocked solid. In fact, the weather was much worse than last night. This is my car in the picture. There were over 20 truckers stranded there as well, a place which had never seen more then 7-8 of them at a time.

Nobody moved all day. We had breakfast, lunch and supper... most of us strangers from all over North America.

To be continued...

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