Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


We spent some time with a very beautiful family today. The big brother is the most kind, generous, caring lad. He really reminds me of what I am told my husband was like as a child - always busy with some ingenious project or other. Anyway, this young lad adores his little sister, and he was so lovely with Boo too - he let Boo choose some of his toys to keep and take home. Boo chose a pack of top gear top trump cards - his favourite seems to be the porsche 911, which is unsurprisingly one of his Daddy's favourite cars too. Moving on to Boo and his antics, I think rather than type it out again I will merely copy and paste my facebook status from earlier this evening:

Ahhhhh! Blood sugar 1.6 (that is very low and does not feel good), child pissing on carpet and dinner thrown on floor. I say "help me Jesus!" and a second later my husband walks in the door. Thank-you God and thank-you husband. Always There when I need you most x

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