
By Northsea


Early start to see Petra and finally the end of the trip. Bit weird to finally be here and on 11/11/11 too. A guy I knew from the halls I was in at University was killed here about 5/6 years ago. No sign of that kind of stuff today tho. The place is buzzing with tourists and hawkers pushing their goods. This girl was trying to sell me a postcard. She can't of been more than 10 or 11. Prob younger (i'm not good at ages of kids)
I often wonder what it is like for these kids growing up seeing the cruise ship tours full of old Americans and asking them for money. I wonder if they go to school, have hopes and dreams of being a vet or a movie star, or if they even know that these things are possible.
With the Royal Jordanian images, lots of people think Jordan is a wealthy arab state, but it doesn't have any oil or natural resources. Just tourism. Hawking postcards is certainly a different education to the great privillages we have in the UK.

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