The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Bleedin' radiators...

Pippa and Rags and I wanted to tell you that we love you sooo much for waking at 3am your time and 9pm our time to ring Mummy and tell her how to bleed the radiators. Cos it's bleedin' freezing in here and this ponsy sheet does nothing to warm up the bones...Mum needs to get the thermals out!

Anyway, we wanted to tell you that we love you and miss you...Pippa misses her football playtime and Rags misses you for his treats and cuddles. He was a monkey today and peed all over the floor so we think he might need to go into nappies soon. Hee hee!! (don't worry, Mum was very nice to him about it cos she says he is old and out of control of his bodily functions!).

Anyway...we are hiding under this blanket until you ring soon
.....brrrrrrrrr...chilly willy!
Love L, P & R

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