Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

Our Place

A much calmer day after yesterday. The weather started dull and grey and went downhill, but I managed to have a wander to a favourite spot at lunchtime to take this before the rain arrived! It is a special place for me. A place I like to go and think, to contemplate life and sometimes to stand and chat to my dearest friends, (as I get a good mobile signal there)! ;-) It also happens to be the same place I took my first ever blip from (although that was looking in the opposite direction), so I guess you could call this 'our place' :-)

Talking of firsts, tomorrow I have my first ever Blipmeet with Roy as we are also working on a novel together! I have to say that he is very much the expert in the partnership and is already a great creative writer, but I am very much looking forward to working on it and doing my best to contribute and building up the chapters over time. :)

Have a good evening and a great Thursday everyone!

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