Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Home Again

Lovely to be back home again in the warm Autumn sunshine , well as long as we stayed in the sunshine we were warm but in the shade it was bitingly cold.
We had a lovely long meander up the Leaccain Walk. What a difference in the trees in the fortnight we were away. Many were completely bare , while others had gorgeous Autumn tones. Any way we all enjoyed our long walk up the hill.

Busy day as I had my accordion lesson and a new tune to work on. Surprised myself as I managed very well despite not having opened the case since my last lesson two weeks ago. Then back home to take the Badminton club which now has so many members we have had to split it into two age groups from next week.

So finally had time to upload tonight. This is a shot of John and Oscar coming back down the track after walking 2 miles up hill and back down.

Another Cyprus upload which sort of goes with tonight's upload as it was also a long walk up a forest track in Cyrus.
National Park - Aphrodite

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