Catchment Map...

A day of making an electronic map of the Nith Catchment Area from the Map you can see in this blip.

You would think it would be quite easy to do with the special mapping program but no, its like a cross between using 10 photoshop layers, databases, topographic mapping and google maps all at once and they don't always speak to each other. Its a very clever bit of kit and the results are rather neat, but progress is slow. The map is starting to take shape now though.

After work I picked up some pizza's and headed over to Mum & Jock's. Unfortunately I got stuck behind a dangerous driver, obviously not happy about driving in the dark, so I allowed for that but doing an emergency stop on a straight bit of road with no hazards other than a car coming towards you on there own side of the road slowly, is unacceptable especially when the car behind (me) had another 6 cars behind it all in close formation due to the fronts car's erratic braking. To say the least I was very glad to pull in, road rage was starting to creep in. Times like these I am glad I did my advanced driving, allowing for extra space infront of me to allow for erratic driving but it was a stressful drive.

After a quick heat up the pizza's were very yummy.

On the way home I saw a blood red moon for the first time, at fist I though it was one of those paper lanterns.

Hope you had a good Monday :0)

Shona :0)x

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