The Poss

By PossMan


Mrs P was home at lunchtime talking about an idea for her infant class. Seemed it involved two separate songs sung in harmony (sounded like a recipe for cacophony to me). One song she remembered as You are my Sunshine but couldn't remember the other one. Back home after work she went upstairs and came back announcing that she had it and with this in her hands. Looking at the tracks I would guess that the other bit is Open up your Heart. Now how to play it? Not a radiogram in sight. And there's no gramophone in the attic - the last time I bought something that would play one of these was in the 1970s and I think the shop called it a "music centre". I'm sure we'll find a way round it. But it makes you think - readable bound books have been around for centuries and we're changing them for the electronic e-books that will be the vinyls of future decades.

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