B mused

By becah

william halley & sons

I am feeling a little better today, so Mr C and I had a little wander through the streets with the camera after our jaunt through the park and found ourselves here.

The building was owned by a textile company, William Halley & Sons which was incorporated on the 17th of November 1921 (it's almost the anniversary). Now, its in the midst of a very slow partial demolition, although I believe that they'll probably just sell it to some developer when the money starts moving again and they will turn it into flats. I prefer this idea to destroying the entire building, we seem to rip away so much of the heart of some of our cities as the councils strive for modernisation and it saddens me greatly.

I am hoping planning to do a 'buildings' week because I'm still feeling a little mojo-deficient photography-wise, but when you start work when its dark and finish when its dark again, I'm not sure how that's going to work out.

Happy Tuesday all x

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