a w a y

By PoWWow

S h i f t i ng from the PoWWow Palace #1

The Boathouse in Platt Fields Park has been my second home for 5 happy years- offering seemingly endless scope for insanely chaotic creative wonder. A blissful agreement offering rainbow coloured signage + murals in exchange for the workshop space has enabled feasts of fantastique fumbling around with oozing paint + bicycle generators alongside luring groups to come join me in my PoWWow pandemonium. Spontaneous fire lit parties + post Critical Mass festivities have often found themselves splurging out of this beaming Boathouse allowing us to embrace the deep dark park for everything it's got. A constant stream of chattering local folk, often regaling their inner most secrets would accompany me as I fidgeted about with each ambition. The park regulars would also clock-in on their daily rounds to check on progress +we'd exchange amorous comments about how brilliantly beautiful Platt Fields Park is.

But alas, today I shifted my final supplies from this trusted space, to make way for an incredibly exciting replacement service to the park- this is Pedal MCR : go and see them, they're doing amazing things with bicycles. I feel an air of contentment as I will soon be closing that racketed shutter for the final time, but safe in the knowledge that the legacy of the Boathouse continues in striving fine form.

So a long story to justify this shameless self portrait of a PoWWow, painting for possibly the last moments in this increasingly freezing space. Pictured shortly before hammering some laps around the lake on my bicycle in an attempt to re-introduce shreds of warmth to my blue-ing form.

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