Travels Through A Lens

By SnapshotSam

Water Drops and Plug Holes

Well, this must the the worst blip ever but I didn't pick up my camera until 10.30 this evening and as my cat races to the bathroom every time you have turned the tap on and sits in the sink looking down the plug hole to see where the water has gone, this was the only thing of interest with 1.5 hours of Monday left.

She is fascinated by water and when smaller would pick up things and drop them in her water bowl. Every morning when I walk out of the shower, she walks in and just sits there for ages looking at the drops of water on the wall. She will even lie in the water in the shower tray. Strange cat.

Anyway, as it's such a bad blip I have posted another from my France holiday just to give you something a little more interesting to look at than a cat looking down a plug hole!

I did say Monday's were my bad blip days :(

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