Spray away!

Yuk had to go on yet another ferry this time to the island of Arran. Normally I go from Claonaig to Lochranza but during the winter stupid Cal Mac have the ferry leaving Tarbert so instead of 35 minutes its an hour and 20 minutes! The journey began ok as it was sheltered but once in open water the thing bobbed about like a cork in a bath tub! I hate when the damg thing rocks from side to side or rolling as its called! Cant lean over the side to puke as the ferry is low enough the bloody sea comes up to meet you! so I just sat in my car and tried to read my book which was bobbing all over the place. Finally dry land and a dash down to Brodick to meet someone but en route but I just had to stop and grab the above shot of these crazy bollard sheep which were getting a good soaking. Then in the evening as there was no ferry back to Tarbert, I hd to go from Brodick to Ardrossan , finally got home to Glasgow at 9.30 a long but hopefully fruitfull day.

Have a goo0d blip evening all

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