....dye-dushka mi lyublyu tibya......

Grandad we love you!

In work this morning at 7.30 to prepare breakfast for our Russian visitors. Jo drove us all on again and everything was ready at 7.50. Took the coffee through to where breakfast was being eaten and was instantly surrounded by several of my Russian padruga from my visit to Omsk.....Sergei, Larissa, Marina, Larissa and Marina. Much kissing and hugging and excited chatter. It was so good to see them all again.

Lisa arrived and announced to them all ..."Kieran si-chas dye-dushka"...... (K is now a grandad), the women burst into a chorus " But where is baby?". I had to explain that I couldn't bring Charlotte into work at 7.30 in the morning!....but I also had to promise that I would bring her on Wednesday evening! I think little Charlie might be the star of the show that night.

A full day's teaching...and then preparing and serving dinner!

Dinner tonight was lasagne for forty people, it went down well, especially as it was followed by pancakes and chocolate syrup. Then it was a quick change and on to the local hotel for our Presentation....Sergei was the guest of honour....and four of the Russsian students provided entertainment.
Aleena sang abeautiful song in French completely unaccompanied and Alex, Roma and Xsenia performed a dance I have seen before which tells of the rivalry of two young men for the affections of a beautiful girl, but she wants neither of them and fools them and makes her escape....the two rivals then go off arm in arm vowing to have nothing to do with fickle females!

A quick beer after the event and then home...slight change of plan....the S & H and YH have gone to see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers....but they have decided not to leave Charlie with us for the night....so the Boss is over at their house baby-sitting. Me, I'm absolutely exhausted...so it might be an early(ish) night or I may end up falling asleep in the chair waiting for the Boss to get home.

Tomorrow is breakfast again....and then my chilli for dinner...and then a trip to the Trafford Centre...huge shopping mall.....I think I might give that a miss!

Tonights blip is of Roma, Alex, Xsenia and Aleena after their performances. Don't you just love those traditional Russian costumes?

Das vidanaya moy padruga.

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