A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


Having just surfaced from the sleeper and going straight to work I happily took a photo of Calton Cemetary in the pink morning light thinking it would be a nice lazy blip.

Imagine my surprise on finding I had captured a real life rod! Rods have been taking the UFO world by storm since 1994 when they were first captured on film. It was postulated that these rods were an exotic form of alien life and they have subsequently come to be known as "Skyfish". There is much speculation as to what the Skyfish are, why they are here and where they go when they die since no one has ever seen a dead rod.

Alternatively, a rod is what you get when a bird or insect flies past a camera.

I will look forward to catching up with everyone but it might take me a wee while!

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