Clean Slate

By cleanslate

"I dunno..

... it's a large mammal of some sort, possibly African in origin. It seems to have a horn? What do you think?"

Lovely day at the zoo. First time at the zoo with no pushchair for no.2 son. He was happy as a Rhino in muck! Walked everywhere with very little whinging* and didn't fall asleep in the car on the way home. Success :-)

Should I mention that I got bird poo on my bag? No it hardly seems worth it, it was wiped off so easily with a handy wet wipe. Does it matter that the same wet wipe may have inadvertantly cleaned no.1 son's mouth after lunch?? Of course not. Did I temporarily lose a pushchair-free giddy child whilst I photographed some meerkats?? Well, only a little. As I say, a successful day at the zoo :-)

*Fortunately, no.1 son was able to step in and provide some whinging for the CleanSlate family. Phew

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