'Birds Island'

I actually wanted M&Z to guess where we were today, but decided to rather tell you all!! ;-)

We were out on the boat with Nats, Johan and the two ?.. can't say 'babies' anymore!! Our beloved little girl turned 10 already and her brother turns 9 in a few days!! Eisch, they grow at the speed of light!

What a delightful day! We took them to the island where the birds reside and I could not decide which photo to use!! Eisch Joe, can't we please, please publish FOUR photos sometimes!!? Hiehiehie!!

They had so much fun, riding an inflated 'tube' pulled behind the boat, then returned to the picnic spot, to enjoy a delicious braai (BBQ) and salads, as well as cheese, tomato and onion sarmies, toasted on the fire, ??. but to everybody's dismay, a little storm approached at high speed and the water became terribly choppy. When the first drops fell, we realised that we will have to pack up the food and everything else verrrrry fast! We had to rush home, unpack everything and have our lunch at home!! :- (

It turned out to be a lovely day, nevertheless, we enjoyed their company tremendously! Oh, and btw, it almost did not rain at all!!! C still had to water the garden late this afternoon!! Eisch!!

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