Hear, Hear the Pipes are Calling..
I make no excuses.
I am astounded, I honestly am.
No more are there old soldiers standing by the memorial.
I see young ones; bearing medals. There are old ladies. Eyes teary with memories and pride. There are in the region of 200 young people, marching as Guides, Army Cadets, Scouts, Cubs, Explorers, Boys Brigade, and the Band. There are Councillors, MP's, Life Boat Representatives, Masonic lodge, and Red Cross.
And there are the people. Approaching from the South, the North, and the East. Easily 200 or 300 people gathered around a statue of Britannia on the South Beach. There are dogs, there are little children.
But at 11 am, when the Trumpet sounds the last post, apart from the noise of the water, gently hitting against the seaweed on the beach;
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