Meanda in the Shadows

Back down to that yard. After a handover of the clubs accounts (I'm stand-in Treasurer for three months) I managed to get the bad winch fixed, and then sorted one of the navigation lights. This was a prelude to fiddling with the electric circuit for a good 30 minutes working out the basics. It's quite simple at heart, but there's rather a lot of it in a small space.
Later took in 'The Ides of March' at the Filmhouse. What an excellent film, I must say. Much darker than Clooney's usual fare; I feared it would be good him against the bad guys; it's not at all. It probably helped that it was originally a stage play and that Ryan Gosling, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Paul Giamattiall are such a strong ensemble. Aye, says I. Later went up to Katie's Diner. What a strange little place. Wonderful drink prices mind!

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