
I'm having a bad day.
Film for minipasspot camera has finally arrived, despite paying extra for fast delivery.
Organised model for photographing ie Henry.
Did a quick catch up on what I was supposed to do... it being peel off film from polaroid , you have to time the bluddy stuff... got 3 bottle caps to cover 3 of the 4 lenses so that i can have 4 different pictures... NOTHING NOTHING NOTHINg took camera outside to do in broad daylight NOTHING.

Need more time to research this ... have I got any? NOPE!
Am off out very soon to go on an outing with a friend ..and then tonight out babysitting AGAIN grrrrrr

Which neatly brings me to the point David Davis
I am so relieved that someone is doing this ... I will be watching what the media will do to this subject ....

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