my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Kate Jumped the Freaking SHARK

November 2011: I have jumped the shark

Saturday 12 November

124 lbs. (but did have my thick black framed 'aren't I ironic and clever' glasses on), alcohol units 2 glasses of Pink bubbly Pinot Rose. So far. cigarettes 0. calories 950.

Food consumed today:
1 and a half slices of cold toast
4 cups of tea
1 muller fruit corner (Strawberry)
1 Kinder Egg. Toy was shit and not the Happy Feet 2 one I was hoping for
some noodles
Some tofu
1 veggie sausage roll. RIP Linda McCartney.

9pm. Mossley: my house

Today has been all about procrastinating about work I really should have gotten on with. But my Goodness I found a lot to fill my time.

I knew I would be on my own for the afternoon and evening AND I wanted to read a Jon Ronson article that I saw him tweet about yesterday. So I popped on the camel coat, knee high tan boots and black leather gloves (of course) to nip to Raja's. Luckily!!!! they had one last Guardian left. <phew!!!>

Came home and pan fried some tofu while I downloaded the series of State of Play to watch tonight. It IS Saturday night after all! I wouldn't watch the film of course, but the BBC series was SUCH a classic with all those good actors like whathisname and that other bloke. Anyway, I've seen it before but it's worth returning to. Paul Abbott is a GENIUS, I've seen loads of stuff he's done. I can't recall any but I DO adore and admire his body of work.

Read the Jon Ronson article and tweeted about reading it and then sent the link to ALL 1400 of my followers on Twitter because they LOVE me pointing interesting stuff out like that.

*Obviously* I don't watch X Factor or any other TV so just played some Lou Reed and Early Bowie today. Tres Cool!


So this is my blip! Realised today that I have finally become a fully fledged parody of Kate the Librarian.

When it happened...

Was looking at what to photograph and saw the lily's that I bought MYSELF yesterday (Feminist = if I want flowers I don't need NO MAN to buy them)..

And there they were on my 'oh so shabby chic' cupboard I picked for £15. Looking suitably ARTY in a fucking oversize MUG.

Pass me the water-skis will ya?

The crashing moment I when knew I had Jumped the Shark. #justthen



jump the shark

The precise moment when you know a tv show, rock band, or YOU have gone downhill.

My example

" Rentaghost really jumped the shark when they introduced that fucking pantomime horse Dobbin"

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