A line allows progress.

By acircledoesnot

When life gives you lemons..

Today was sort of frustrating. I had work all day- I left my house early, but I was still late because I forgot something and had to turn around to get it. I had to tutor two different people after work, didn't get home until around nine, when normally I'm home around 4:30. My car is out of gas- always, it feels like. I got lost driving between work and the first tutoring session. My plans for tomorrow were sort of ruffled a bit. I'm feeling grumpy.

After tutoring session number two, I decided to follow the sunset and drove around for like a half hour with my car on empty chasing the sunset. I ended up at my brother's middle school where I shot this photo. To quote the Counting Crows, "All of the beautiful colors are very very meaningful," though I wouldn't be surprised if I contracted Malaria, the West Nile Virus, Typhoid and Bird Flu from all of the mosquitoes that were biting my arms and legs when I was outside.

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