'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

As snug as a bug!

In the hedges all around the fields at home there are lots of these little critters! I took so many photos trying to get a perfect picture. Chose this one because the ladybird looks so snug wrapped up in the grey/green lichen on the tree branches. The contrast of the red against the lichen with the sunlit greenery behind won me over!

Three beautiful things;

1. A lazy morning- although I woke up early, I treated myself to a 'lie in' and a cup of tea in bed! The past week had been a long one so it was a real pleasure not to have to dash out anywhere. Followed by a morning dog walk in the daylight!

2. A treat - the Bridesmaids DVD arrived this morning - such a funny, thought provoking and feel good film! Will be curled up sofa with some chocolate watching this later!

3. Warmth - it is still unseasonably warm. Whilst I love cold crisp winters, I am enjoying the late warmth of the sun and not needing hundreds of layers or the heating up high.

One thing to be grateful for:
Saturday mornings

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