
By Eyelad

11/11/11 Photo Challenge

Carnethy Hill Running Club held a competition for photographs taken on eleven designated Pentland Hills on 11/11/2011 between 11am and 11pm.

Since he was home from university, Jonathan and I decided that we would take the challenge to visit and take photographs on all the eleven hills, preferably during daylight. A route was chosen that minimised distance and climb while still making it easy for us to run home at the end.

We were in position on the first hill for the 11am starting time. By about 5pm we were back home, tired and happy, with lots of photographs after eleven hills, 16.5 miles and over 5000ft ascent.

There was just time to get cleaned up and select our photos before heading off to the pub for the judging. There were a lot of entries so, after much sorting and organising, the judging was by a kind of democratic mob method that worked well.

Jonathan triumphed, getting two of the twelve winning photographs.

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