From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Meet the Welshies!!!

Seriously how could you fail to have a bad night with these 3 in a gay club where it's floor to ceiling full of cross dressing males!!Not that i could post any of them here for fear they would caught out that would be just my luck, so you get Welshies!!!!

In the pic is Em my sister in law who is being strangled by Kath, who is being groped by Lisa the hand model!!! They're all from Wales and have known each other forever!! My sis in law had invited them up for the weekend and they love Pinks, i nearly didn't go due to ninja comp but i pulled out of that, i decided that i wouldn't enjoy it they're not really for me get so worked up the only bit i like is the relief that it's all over. Anyways i felt relief when i made the decision not to.

What a fab night we had we danced and sang with 6ft men dressed in catsuits, kilts, basques, they have eyelashes and legs to die for, honestly it fascinates me they they all look so happy to be able to be who they want to be.

Anyways gonna end it here cause i obviously didn't get much sleep last night and i'm finding this hard to concentrate to write thankfully Little Bryn is off out for the afternoon and Zak can look after himself, Glenn has gone off for a meeting so i am bonn probably go back to bed with my book!!!!

A big thank you for all your lovely comments on my Rememberance day blip!!!

:) X

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