Capital adventures

By marchmont

Remembering, a very auspicious day.

We stood for 2 mins, silent as the country remembered not just the dead of 90+ years ago but also of more recent conflicts. Lest we forget.

Today I bought loads of curtain material and lights. Great fun. Didn't buy the mirror though. That will come later. And how am I going to get all this stuff back from Glasgow? J won't do it. CCC?

Tomorrow, the Festival of Remembrance on TV. I probably will miss it, although I always liked the poppy petals. My grandad was an 'old contemptible.'

We're confused because for Y and G, who 'mind' granddaughter Issy 3 days a week, Thursday is the new Friday. So does that make Friday the new Saturday?

Today was such a good day. Hope yours was too.

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