Random bubbly

Bit of a random one from me today. Similar to this one.... Bit of fun really. Not exactly an emergency blip, but by the time I'd got all the pictures off the camera and onto the hard disk so I could take a picture of Ben and Hayley, Ben had decided that he wanted to go home with Hayley and I was all on my own! I think the only casualty from the photo session was the camera strap which managed to slip off my head (where it was balanced) and splash into the bath... always a bit risky taking photos in the bath. I think next time I attempt something like this I need a jug or something that the camera fits inside so that I can get the lens almost level with the water.... and maybe have Steve on hand as well! Hasn't been edited very well, my excuses are that I am tired and am running out of juice on the laptop so don't have the time to spare on it just yet. I might tidy it up later on and re-upload it.

All I had in the diary today was to wait in to see the Maternity Support Worker to get all the kit I was going to need for harvesting colostrum ahead of baby making an appearance, but she didn't turn up and didn't turn up. Instead, Hayley offered cake! So she popped round and entertained Ben and we ate cake and drank tea. And then Ben went home with her, and eventually the support worker turned up very apologetically - she'd missed off one number from my phone number when she wrote it down so couldn't get in touch. Turns out she'd not been able to get to the hospital to get the bits she needed because the hospital had had a total power cut (they were shipping patients out to all the surrounding hospitals) so no syringes to collect milk in for me today. We've re-arranged for Monday afternoon so baby is NOT allowed to come this weekend. (And not least because Hayley's in London all weekend......)

Which is going to be interesting because I'm pretty sure I had my "show" this morning....!

Anyway. Ben and Hayley had gone, the support worker had been and gone, and I had chance to slowly and calmly tidy up some various bits and pieces and even have had a lovely relaxed bubble bath :0)

Tea at Hayleys - it was a case of from the sublime to the ridiculous, the noise level change from my calm bubble bath to feeding time at the zoo!! And now Steve's gone back to our house to tidy up the back bedroom enough to be able to PVA the ceiling so that tomorrow he can skim it and the plaster will have something to stick to.

Ben is quite happy and hopefully once the other kids have gone to bed he will snuggle up on me and perhaps go to sleep. He was up early enough this morning and hasn't had a nap, and has been occupied most of the day as well so maybe he'll cuddle to sleep.

Not sure what we're going to do tomorrow while Steve's plastering.... but I've requested a family afternoon on Sunday! (A.k.a. Steve looking after and playing with Ben so that I can have another break hehehehe!)

Laptop has kept its power just long enough for me to tinker around with the photos from the bath and get my journal written so now I can put it to bed and go and be sociable again :0)

And, I did remember 11/11/11. (Ben didn't. I don't think he has a "quiet" switch.) I'm so so grateful for the continued freedom I have to live in.

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